Frequently Asked Questions

What makes raw honey different?

No chemical or sugars are added. Our honey retails all natural enzymes and pollen preservings benefits and flavor.

Crystallized honey

No worries, these are just sugar crystals. Honey almost always crystallizes. Simply place your sealed jar in warm/hot water until the crystals melt.

Storage and expiration

Our honey has nearly an eternal shelf life. Be sure to keep your jar clean, sealed and free of contaminants. No need to refrigerate.

Shipping and Pickup

We ship anywhere in the United States! Local pickup is free in the North Brevard area. Pickup instructions will be provided via email after checkout is complete.

Customization and Gifts

We can customer both honey jars and candles for almost any occasion. Honey makes for great wedding favors, real estate closings, baby shower favors and more. Send us a message and lets chat!


While we do not offer monetary refunds, we will happily replace manufacturing flawed items.
Please email and provide your order number along with a description of the damage.

Clean Fragrances

Very proud to say our scents are "Clean Scents" meaning they are free from:

-Carcinogens: these are materials that are thought to cause cancer
-Mutagens: materials that change the DNA of a cell, causing diseases like cancer
-Reproductive toxins: toxins that negatively affect reproductive organs and increase the risk of birth defects
-Organ toxins: toxins that can cause adverse effects or disease within bodily organs.
-Acute toxins: toxins that can cause adverse effects from a single exposure. Generally, this would be accidental exposure like spillage or ingestion.

Straight from the source

Do we have bee hives in our yard? Yes! Our raw honey is sourced and bottled on the Space Coast!

Why Salty Hive Honey Co?

I am a proud Florida native and I wanted to stay true to my roots by incorporating the Space coast into by brand. With the water just a few miles from the hives I thought the name Salty Hive was perfect!